
How Our Doctors Can Help  

When you visit your podiatrist, your doctor may recommend imaging studies to determine the level of bone involvement and which bunion treatment would be best for you. Minimally invasive bunion treatments include:

  • Custom-fit orthotics and footwear
  • Corticosteroid injections around the bunion
  • Prescription-strength anti-inflammatory medications

When You Might Need Bunion Surgery

Our podiatrist may recommend bunion surgery, known as a bunionectomy, if you are experiencing:

  • Severe foot pain which limits walking or wearing shoes
  • Chronic inflammation and swelling of your big toe
  • Bone deformity and stiffness in your big toe

Types of Bunion Surgery

There are several types of bunion surgery, and your podiatrist is an expert at determining which type will benefit you. The goals of bunion surgery are to remove the bunion, relieve pain, restore the toe joint, and realign your toe. This can be accomplished in several ways, including:

  • Fusing your big toe joint
  • Surgically straightening your big toe
  • Removing soft tissue or bone

Want To Know More?

To find out more about prevention, causes, and treatment for bunions, including bunion surgery, call Advanced Foot and Ankle Clinics in Owatonna at (507) 451-5950, Waseca at (507) 835-1210 & Faribault at (507) 334-1951 so call today.

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