Bone Spurs

Consult Our Podiatrist to Discuss Available Treatments

Seeking guidance from our doctors regarding bone spurs could be your next step if you feel discomfort or pain in your feet. If activities like walking or standing trigger discomfort, consult our doctors.

During your first visit, our doctors will attentively examine your feet, possibly utilizing X-rays to assess the extent of the bone spur. They'll discuss your medical history and inquire about your symptoms. Be prepared to ask questions too.

Treatment approaches vary based on severity but could encompass non-invasive solutions like custom orthotics, physical therapy, or shoe modifications. Our doctors may suggest minimally invasive procedures to remove the spur in severe cases. Remember, the aim is to alleviate your discomfort and enhance your quality of life. Your podiatrist will be your partner in this journey toward pain-free mobility.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. 

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